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Re: Synapses Feedback

I appreciate your graciousness @Stout  🙂

Re: Synapses Feedback

You're welcome @tyme 

I'm insitu now. Warm. Showered. Washing on. Fed.


It's still there, a bit. Rattled I am.


Safe though.

Re: Synapses Feedback

I woke this morning to a small amount of fragmentation.

It is either PTSD or the residue of the four toxic drugs they injected into me whilst held captive.

That ward is a foul place. I can quote a Doctor, they said: "I wouldn't put a dog in there"

Re: Synapses Feedback

@Glisten thanks, that was a cool story of bad nights and reminded me of a dream situation I sometimes find myself in.

So asemtioned I would be in a condition where I would have to climb out of sleep. So I couldn't tell if I was deceased, lost in space or where I was overall. I learnt to look at the first thing I saw when I opened my eyes, asking "where do I know this object from" and then use that knowledge to assemble the physical dimension I see, until I acquired cognisant recognition of where I was. Then I was right.

Scary though.


For you Tyme it sounds like distress over loss. You mentioned PTSD, is that what it is? I don't know.


Does anyone have ideas or knowledge of what this is?


Re: Synapses Feedback

During the night of the 26 July I had a very bad dream. It was a horrendous bushfire. And like one set by air warfare. There was a VW I got running to escape, people asking me to help them and doing nothing, and as I drove of lots of people were seen running in all directions including into it. The dream was assembled from past and current imagery.

Triggered by a men's shed conversation I'm sure.


Keeping a record here