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Something’s not right

Re: Synapses Feedback

You've got it @8ppleTree 


Lets imagine then that the feedback loop is seperate.

True story follows: the other week during the day I saw the same old car as the one a mate once owned. Lo and behold three nights later he and the car and my brother turned up in a nightmare against me. It happens with people to. And I now know this has been all my life. I have only now joined the dots.

Re: Synapses Feedback

Hello @Stout I did see a western traditional chinese medical doctor say recently that nightmares are due to "stagnant chi" I don't know if this is relevant in your case but it could be possibly something you could look into?

Re: Synapses Feedback

Thanks smiling gecko, I can have a look

Re: Synapses Feedback


I had a quick look and I don't think it's the Chi thing that afflicts me. And my body is sound and I look ten years younger than I am. I should look destroyed though.

So anyway what happens in the day affects the night affects the next day, almost as if time is going backwards. and it makes an idiot of me. And with the years of upheaval, my motivation and enjoyment is flattened.

I don't know how people with severe MH issues get along and even work. I am genuinely amazed.

Re: Synapses Feedback

Hi @Stout 


That is quite the loop that is forming. I wonder whether there are practices out there that can help, other than trying to control your content, ie not watching horror movies, the news, etc.?


It sure does make you appreciate the resilience of people who have mental health challenges! I agree, that life can throw us curve balls, and when our bodies are processing things differently, it really can make things tricky! 


Hope you are able to get some ideas, or find some relief 👍

Re: Synapses Feedback

I know @8ppleTree 

Having them all my life I can say nothing stops them. Dreams and nightmares are the brains entertainment park. I was having a lot of nightmares recently due to what was done to me. And in past decades I've had them even though I was in a good tranquil safe environment. There is no explanation for it except for generational genetic memory retention and war meleiu. There's no stopping them. Completely random. I can't stand horrors and those movies. Can't stand bad scenes in life. Don't need porn. I've done my best to avoid the horrors of life and as time went by things have gotten worse and visited me more often. As if the night presaged the day. This is why I seem emotionless and don't age like they want me to. A living PTSD stupor.

Psychiatrists etal assume the worst though.

Tricks of the mind.

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