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Re: Dogs Rock πŸ˜†

Umm trouble makers i think

Re: Dogs Rock πŸ˜†

Awwww @Spudly - like Red Dog. They do need a lot of exercise. My dog is nearly nine years old now and is slowing down. I take her for two walks each day but also walk on my own so I get a bit of a workout and don't keep stopping and starting. I get 10 000+ steps in each day. Today was nearly 23000 - 17.3 kms as of right now. Pooch did probably a third of that. 

Re: Dogs Rock πŸ˜†

Wow great effort that's outstanding work good on you

Re: Dogs Rock πŸ˜†



Total relaxation!!!

Not applicable

Re: Dogs Rock πŸ˜†

Hello fellow dog lovers

In my travels through the Cotswold country areas where family are spasmodically spaced I met two sprockers today....never heard of them!! Cross between cocker spaniels and springer spaniels.

so many variables these days.


Not applicable

Re: Dogs Rock πŸ˜†

@Determined @Shaz51 @soul @Maggie @Spudly @Former-Member

Would not be without our dogs, whippets. One is Mr Darcy's best mate.

Re: Dogs Rock πŸ˜†

Time for another cute dog pic


Re: Dogs Rock πŸ˜†

@soul wrote:

Ticks - such little creatures but can wreak so much havoc. That must have been heartbreaking @Determined. How do your boys interact with the dogs?

Big boys aren't much fussed with our current dogs @soul.

Girl isnarrogant a aloof with anyone but my darling, boy is too overbearing and I am the only one who can do anything with him. Goig for a visit to the vet soon so hoping that may improve his attitude lol. 

Funny thing is the girl has really take to bub. He goes out side and she hardly leaves her side. He lays on her and climbs on her and she loves it . 

Big boys, particually S1 were very fond of the little shelty (minature collie). He was like a kitten. Scratch him under the chin and he used to roll on his back and purr like a kitten. Was a verry sad day when he died, I even cried 😭

Re: Dogs Rock πŸ˜†

Funny how they have their unique personalities isn't it @Determined? I know that I am going to be a mess when our pooch has to leave this world. Hopefully not for some time yet. 

Re: Dogs Rock πŸ˜†

This is our boy at the moment. Due for a haircut and break out the zapper collar again. Too much wool for it to work at the moment without a trim. 
