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Re: Dogs Rock ๐Ÿ˜†

@Determined @soul @Former-Member @Spudly @Maggie @Shaz51 @JoJo99
Picked up our hounds from the boarding kennels this morning after time away. Girl dog had been in a scrap with another dog and has a large superficial injury to her neck. Kennel owner says boy dog has a psychological obsession with food.

Re: Dogs Rock ๐Ÿ˜†

Awwww - I bet the dogs were happy to see you. When I was a kid, we only ever went away for two family holidays (and that was with some friends); one of which my father came too. We put our cattle dog in a boarding kennel and when we returned after a week he had lost his bark ๐Ÿ˜ž

Have never boarded my current pooch. I think she wouldn't be impressed at all @Former-Member.

Re: Dogs Rock ๐Ÿ˜†

@Former-Member Good to hear you are back with the pack, sorry about the injury. My pooch wouldn't cope in kennels, she's a rescue and very fragile. I don't think I could go a day without her. Hi @soul@Determined@Shaz51@Former-Member. Everyone enjoy your day.

Re: Dogs Rock ๐Ÿ˜†

sorry about the injury. @Former-Member

Hello @Maggie, @Determined, @soul, @Former-Member

we pu our cats in once -- never again , it took them sooo long to get over it

and i could never put my foxy in who was 19

Re: Dogs Rock ๐Ÿ˜†

I have booked a grooming session for my dog this Saturday. She's not going to like it but she does need a trim. Her very furry paws carry dirt and leaves etc. all through the house. She does have some jackets so they will be getting a lot of wear as we have regular single digit degree minimums coming up. 

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Re: Dogs Rock ๐Ÿ˜†

Girl dog has a couple of coats, boy dog is too fat for his.

Many years ago a neighbour would have the mobile K9 bathing service come in, their DPG would be making all sorts of noises, he had a special sort of shampoo and his skin was heaps better because of it, but even now when I think of it his protest howls did make me smile.

One of my besties has not long got a labradoodle pup, reckons they might have to pluck his ear hairs when he gets groomed. Neighbours dog was short haired, so did not have that indignity, do they do that to your little one?

Re: Dogs Rock ๐Ÿ˜†

One groomer used to do that - the ear hair plucking thing - and I recall my mother doing it when we had a poodle once (who was a lot more compliant to our dog) but my pooch doesn't have to endure that. Her ears seem fine to me.

She's been hanging around me for a treat all morning but seems to have forgotten that I already gave her one ( or maybe wants me to forget that) She's taken herself outside now to lay in the sun. Must have given up.

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Re: Dogs Rock ๐Ÿ˜†

Ear plucking might be more of a poodle thing @soul
Dare I say that it does happen in our household if Mr Darcy has a particularly long hair growing out of his ear. Not sure if @Determined suffers the same fate ....

Re: Dogs Rock ๐Ÿ˜†

My dog is a poodle cross. As for humans - yikes!!

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Re: Dogs Rock ๐Ÿ˜†
