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Dogs Rock πŸ˜†

Hi @Former-Member @Faith-and-Hope  @soul  @Shaz51

After this mornings discussion on hot choc thread I thought I would jump in and start a dog thread here. Keen to see the different breeds people have as their special friends. My love is for scotch collies (lassie). We have 2, both live outside due to my darling being a clean freak and getting anxious about dog hair in the house.  The live inside when they visit my mum occasionally and make themselves quite at home lol. 

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Re: Dogs Rock πŸ˜†

Got the title idea from @soul πŸ˜‰

Re: Dogs Rock πŸ˜†


Re: Dogs Rock πŸ˜†


Re: Dogs Rock πŸ˜†

Wonderful thread @Determined xx

Hello @Molly73, @Spudly, @soul, @Bars,  @zandflower, @Lostatsea, @dollop,  @Brocky, @Starry72, @Nature17,  @Blue-eyes-77,  @vivlad, @Marit, @Marg, @Former-Member,  @ManishAhuja, @Maggie1 @patientpatient, @Saffy,  @Hoya,

What kind of dogs do you like


Re: Dogs Rock πŸ˜†


And just for fun because cats usually get all the attention πŸ˜‚



Re: Dogs Rock πŸ˜†

We have a Cavoodle - Cavalier Poodle Cross - she has fur rather than hair so doesn't shed at all. Just needs to be clipped every so often - like now but it's winter brrrrrrr!! Lives like a person and gives us so much joy. 


Re: Dogs Rock πŸ˜†

My dog is a corgi with a tail , @soul, @Determined



Re: Dogs Rock πŸ˜†


Re: Dogs Rock πŸ˜†

My girls a chuchuia, isn't she beautiful. The love of my life