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Re: Hot Chocolate Anyone ?

Stopping for a quick bite ... sushi rolls to (4).jpeg


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Re: Hot Chocolate Anyone ?

Not sure I can wait for those sushi rolls to arrive @Former-Member , no matter how good they sound.

Will grab a banana and have it on the run as I attend to other necessary tasks I think.  Catch you later.

Hi all, including  @Faith-and-Hope @Shaz51 @Adge @Jezza_au @outlander 


Sherry 🌸

Re: Hot Chocolate Anyone ?

🍌 + β˜•οΈ = 🍣 .... 😏


Hi @Former-Member  @Former-Member .... πŸ‘‹πŸ’•

Re: Hot Chocolate Anyone ?

@Jezza_au, our Older Daughter reached a point where attending school became impossible. We were being called to pick her up for MI related incidents two or more days each week. We were able to get her into an alternative school (still official public school system) that was designed for students considered "at risk"of dropping out. Some had MI issues, some it was social or family issues, some it was physical disabilities that made school attendance difficult or impossible. It may be worthwhile asking your local education department about alternatives in your area? Distance Ed is sometimes suggested too, but that's definitely something that suits some kids/families, but not others.

Re: Hot Chocolate Anyone ?

@Smc wrote:

Awwww... happy tunes are cute. πŸ˜„  @Determined 


Haha @Smc  they are cute. unfortunately my ears are very sensitive to certain pitches and sometimes my little mans happy noises are a little painful. would be lost without it though. FIL asked a couple of days ago, that hurts my ears over here how do you get on lol 

Re: Hot Chocolate Anyone ?

Evening @Faith-and-Hope  @Smc  @Former-Member  @Former-Member  @Shaz51  @Adge  + everyone else around.  Defiantly hot chock weather here tonight. Raining cold and miserable all day here. Days like today I miss the wood fired stove we had when I was growing up. 


Re: Hot Chocolate Anyone ?

@Determined, one of our sons as a toddler used to enjoy making siren noises in the car. Then we moved out of the city, and before long he changed to kookaburra noises, which was sooo much nicer!

Re: Hot Chocolate Anyone ?

Evening all 

@Smc @Faith-and-Hope @Determined @Former-Member @Former-Member @BlueBay @Bella @Adge 

@MDT @Appleblossom @CheerBear @frog @greenpea @Shaz51 @TAB @eth 

@Zoe7 @Exoplanet @Mazarita and sorry if i missed you.

Have been sick today, had trouble sleeping last night and got a migraine due to to many thjngs going through my mind, but would love one big mug of hot chocolate with marshmallows.

Hope you have all had a okay day.20190327_214802.png


Re: Hot Chocolate Anyone ?

Hey @saturnzoon
I have chocolate hot cross bunns. Does that count?

Re: Hot Chocolate Anyone ?

12.jpg23.pnghc.pngthEVFHVK0T.jpgthSSSC2Q8M.jpgevening all. anyone care for a hot chocloate and something a little extra? 

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