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Needing someone or somewhere to turn ..

Hi everyone, 

I've only just come across this page. I desperately needed someone to turn to this afternoon, as I can't turn to my family because they lack the undertanding and support that comes with the teritory. 


I'm in my 20's, as is my partner who deals with chronic pain, depression, OCD and aggression. His life is a vicious cycle, sleeps late in the day because he can't get to sleep at night, gets up, sits in front of the play station until its time for work, goes to work, comes home and back in front of the play station. He's always complaining about his pain and tiredness and various other complications. He's been on any and all medications you could prescribe, and doesn't wish to revisit them. I'm trying to encourage him to look after himself more, because it's obvious he's lost all self-respect and care for himself. He's put on a great deal of weight, eats junk food and is lazy. I'm trying to encourage him to exercise and eat healthier, but he's just not interested. 


He gets aggrivated sometimes and will throw things, has punched a hole in the wall, yells and shouts and quite frankly, throws tantrums. This scares me, not because I think he'll ever hurt me, but because the heightened emotion makes me edgy and uncomfortable. It also makes our pets scared and they run away. At times, I've matched his aggression but I don't know why .. maybe because I'm angry that he feels he can act that way, maybe I'm no better. 


How do you help someone who doesn't want to help themselves? I've done it all, I've pushed my own issues aside and tried to be there, be supportive and caring for him. I've tried the hard word, threatening to leave, threatening to stop cleaning up after him. Our relationship has been so unstable the past two years because of our own mental health issues that I'm wondering whether we are actually each others problem. 


I don't feel like I can talk to my family because they think that his issues are a character flaw and that the best answer is to get out of there. But, I love this bloke. We are both, and here's the best part, psychology students, so I understand that mental health disorders are complicated. But this far, all i've been able to do is bottle up how I'm feeling and struggle my way through blind. 


I could go on and on forever, but it's been cathartic at least to get that out. Anyone who wants to chime in about their own experiences, I'd be happy to listen or chat. I don't want sympathy, just anyone to chat to.



Re: Needing someone or somewhere to turn ..

Hi thelorax


You have asked for someone to talk with about your situation. So I have saved the other note in which I haven't pulled any punches or extended any sympathy. And I'm not going to extend sympathy here.


What I think might help is to build a picture of your situation. Provide at least a couple of things, apart from the fact that you love this bloke, that you actually like about him. What is he like around his own family and when you go out socially. I hear from what you have said that it is difficult if not impossible to talk with your family about him.


Are you sure you're not just staying to save him?


Certainly, I would like to talk with you more, about your partner and/or about you; what your hopes and dreams are, how you are going with your studies, what things you like doing, your interests.


I would be pleased to chat more. You may notice the time and I'd better get some sleep. I am in Western Australia so the time here is 2 hours after the AEST. It is 3.30 am here and 5.30 in Eastern Australia.


Hope we can talk more

In the mean-time

My Best Wishes and Support Toward Your Goals


Re: Needing someone or somewhere to turn ..

He gets aggrivated sometimes and will throw things, has punched a hole in the wall, yells and shouts and quite frankly, throws tantrums. This scares me, not because I think he'll ever hurt me, but because the heightened emotion makes me edgy and uncomfortable. It also makes our pets scared and they run away.


Hi @thelorax so does mine. I've been with mine going on 3 years now and not a day goes by where I don't wish I'd pulled out after 6 weeks, when I first started getting glimpses of where this was going to end up. A friend put on fb the other day.. ."when you're wearing rose coloured glasses, red flags just look like flags".. and how true is that. I'm not in my 20's, I'm 58 and still making the same mistakes.


Yes, I love him. His illnesses have been getting much worse for the last 12 months. He's never hit me because I don't stand up for myself, but the hate in his eyes and the clenched fist tell me he would if I didn't back down. He also doesn't understand how hard it is for me living with so much anger and agression, even if it's aimed elsewhere I am still "edgy and uncomfortable" as you say.


And yet I know he loves me more than life itself.... his tantrums (because that's definitely what they are) take over like some unseen, unstoppable force over which neither of us have control.


No one in my family knows because they would evict him from my house. I talk to his elderly father, and one friend who was a victim of DV herself... both of whom think I should evict him from my house.. but I am too weak, and I cannot. 

Re: Needing someone or somewhere to turn ..

Hello SJT63 & thelorax


Reading your post, @SJT63 from about 12 hours ago, which followed the post from @thelorax on Tuesday.


I noticed that thelorax has said

But, I love this bloke.”

and you have said

Yes, I love him.”

(a)   but I can't make out from the posts that either of you have written, what favourable characteristics there are about these men. There seem to be so many negatives and I haven't seen a positive characteristic stated about the men that you claim to love.



I asked thelorax,

Are you sure you're not just staying to save him? “.

I suppose the word “staying” could be replaced by the word “trying”


Is it a case of

The devil you know is better than the devil you don't” or possibly

It is better to be with a difficult person to live with than to live alone”.


I guess I am challenging both of you in terms of the reasons for staying in relationships that appear to be so unpleasant and at times even explosive.


All this during a time when domestic violence is a topic that is so prevalent in all media formats.


There are so many men who simply do not understand why women stay in relationships like these.


Please don't think that I am just suggesting free love till you find the right one. On the other hand, is intimacy in a relationship the only reason to stay there.


I am a male well up in the age range and it is so distressing to see lives so tortured by men and sometimes women when life 'should' be rewarding, stimulating, and productive.


There really is so much more to life, and for people like me, it is such a pity to see the opportunities wasted as it might be said that some of us older people have done.


I would certainly be interested in your thoughts.


With the hope for a better future and

my Best Wishes to You Both



PS. (a)  I have edited this post to read more easily (I hope)

Re: Needing someone or somewhere to turn ..



I'm no chicken and have much life experience. Married young, divorced in my 40's, widowed in my 50's and now this.

Re: Needing someone or somewhere to turn ..


sorry hit "post" accidentally... more to follow later in the day

Re: Needing someone or somewhere to turn ..

@HenryX  you wrote:


but I can't make out from the posts that either of you have written, what the characteristics are about these men that you like. There seem to be so many negatives and I haven't seen a positive characteristic in what either of you have written about the men that you claim to love.


I think the fist thing to point out, and I’m pretty sure I’m speaking for both of us, is that they weren’t like this when we fell in love with them. The people they are now are not the ones we were initially attracted to, nor the ones with whom we formed a deep and lasting bond.


If they had developed cancer, or diabetes, or Parkinson’s would we then be expected to stop loving them? No. Even if they had been “in remission” when we met and formed our attachments (as they no doubt were) and then relapsed would we be expected to turn off our love like a tap?


Why should mental illness be any different?


“Are you sure you're not just staying to save him? “.


We stay because we care what happens; because we know how difficult their lives would be without our help and because (in my case) of what he might do to himself if I don’t.


I suppose the word “staying” could be replaced by the word “trying”


Not trying to save him, trying to save us. Trying to recapture what was once an outstanding relationship and not yet ready to concede defeat. He had a severe breakdown six weeks after I’d met him and my personality is such that I could not turn my back on any human being in need of help regardless of how well I knew them. It took about 6 months for him to fully recover and I began charting his mood swings so that I could see when difficult times were coming and mentally prepare. It was working and I had never felt so valued or understood in my entire life.



“The devil you know is better than the devil you don't” or possibly “It is better to be with a difficult person to live with, than to live alone”.


Not in my case. When I did live alone I loved it. It was never my plan for this man to move into my house permanently but a year ago it was decided that we would all be safer if he stayed with me during the first lockdown and I homeschooled on of his boys while the other remained with his mother.


There was an incident with his Body Corporate a few months later and he has been unable to go home since May 2020. What he saw as a personal violation triggered more PTSD.


About half way through last year his mental state began to rapidly deteriorate. My graphs had much more red in them and while I used to take great comfort from having tangible proof that we was fine 70 to 80% of the time the numbers now tell quite a different story.


All this in a time when domestic violence is a topic that is so prevalent in all media formats.


That issue has been ever present in my mind for some time. I listen to a lot of podcasts and read extensively. From the outside looking in this man is coercively controlling me by threats and bullying. He is constantly revising his expectations so that I can never get it right. I am expected to keep my mouth shut and my legs open.


However you can’t look at his current behavioural trends without context. One of the key indicators is that controlling men can turn on the charm for all around them and only show their true colours behind closed doors. This man is unable to control the demons within anywhere right now.


His son’s school have an order out preventing him from approaching staff in person or by phone. He may only communicate via email. The power and internet have been disconnected at his residence because of the abusive way he has spoken to their staff making completely unreasonable demands and refusing to listen to their compromise proposals. He has been thrown out of Kmart and his GP’s surgery by security guards and I have been stopped in carparks by total strangers inquiring about my safety. I no longer go to family functions.


Mr SJT is quite a bit higher up the Autism spectrum than his two sons, diagnosed with Aspergers when we still called it that. He doesn’t approach the world in the same way as a great percentage of the population so most people have no idea why he is so upset and he has no idea why they don’t understand what he means. He is unable, through hard wiring, to compromise in any way or to view a situation from another’s perspective. This is why little things that many of us wouldn’t even notice (like a teaspoon pointing the wrong way in the drawer) make if very agitated. Something that I might find annoying, like having to go back to a shop if they’ve sold me the wrong size is, to him, an unforgivable error the damage from which can never be repaired.


Now overlay this with bipolar disorder (quite common in adult aspy’s). He is noticing and reacting to minutiae that would pass most people by with his responses amplified by a significant mood disorder.


There are so many men who simply do not understand why women stay in relationships like these.


I used to have my feet firmly planted in that camp too. Now I understand a lot more about how difficult it is for women in controlling, abusive relationships to extricate themselves. Most stay because they are afraid of the consequences for themselves and, more importantly, their children. Rosy Batty, Hannah Clark, Cindy Gambaro… there is a long list but women only make headlines when children are murdered as well. Many are financially dependent, most are too ashamed to share their experiences, some are so gaslit that they truly believe they are the problem.


Maybe I am brainwashed myself, but I don’t consider it to be a “relationship like these”. I have the same aggressive and controlling behaviour to confront, but the behaviour stems from illness not narcissism, it is not aimed solely at me, and it is beyond his control.


Please don't think that I am just suggesting free love till you find the right one. On the other hand, is intimacy in a relationship the only reason to stay there.


Intimacy is not even a factor. I have observed in my almost 60 years that women get more emotional intimacy from their girlfriends most of the time, whereas men get their emotional intimacy only from their partner, and it is usually linked to physical intimacy. It has been so with my partners and the partners of my friends at least. Even fat old ladies like me have no trouble getting a bit if they have an itch that needs scratching.


If he and I go a couple of days without physical intimacy he starts to worry that I don’t love him anymore. That is also partway due to his ASD which means his understanding of relationships never progresses beyond that first flush of passion to a more relaxed approach despite his advancing years. That is very common. They just don’t understand that the physical can plateau to a level of mutual comfort that is different from the urgency of a new relationship.


Why do I stay? If love is not enough to justify it then try loyalty, compassion, understanding, purpose and perhaps even duty. If staying for him is not enough, then will staying for his very elderly parents suffice? I was asked by his psychologist why I assumed his mental health was more important than mine and the answer isn't too hard. I am very sad, I am stressed beyond belief, I am exhausted but I am not mentally ill and he is.


I am a male well up in the age range and it is so distressing to see lives so tortured by men and sometimes women, when life 'should' be rewarding, stimulating, and productive.



I have two well adjusted adult children, one of whom lives in England. I have a good job where I am valued and extended every day. I love to create useful or wearable objects from any number of media. Only the weekend just gone I did some emergency alterations to an almost ruined wedding gown for a friend of a friend of my daughter who will now feel as she should walking down the aisle today.



I never stop learning. I read and watch a lot of history.

I have recently qualified and been authorized as a Commonwealth Registered Marriage Celebrant. This brings together my life-skills in public speaking, creative writing, community service and organization into a neat bundle that can be my retirement income when my employer retires himself in a year or two.



As well as making my own clothes I make at home all our bread, yoghurt, vinegar, and soap. We are self-sufficient for vegetables and I preserve, dry or bottle the excess. I present those in my care with restaurant quality meals most nights of the week and I bake every weekend.

I hold down a full time job as well as studying after hours for my Cert IV in Celebrancy.

I became an educated and erudite female role model for his two boys.


No wonder I’m tired. 😊 Some weekends are less productive than others with a lot depending on whether he will let me sleep. If he lets me sleep I can cope with pretty much anything but he doesn’t often let me sleep for whole night these days.


As you can see, I am not defined by my role as a carer for a mentally ill partner. I become weary and cowed by it sometimes and these forums are of great solace. I can vent anonymously and receive a virtual "there, there"; the acknowledgment of my struggle by people who understand.


There are only 3 people who actually know how I live, one is a medical professional and the other is a survivor and her daughter. All three think I should leave.


If I were staying with him and not the other way around perhaps I would have left already. If I didn’t understand how soul destroying it would be for him to see his own place again I would maybe ask him to go home one or two nights a week; but I do understand and so I’m wedged between that rock and hard place. If I wanted to leave him I would have to surrender the home I scraped together a deposit for as a 40 year old divorcee with two children in private school and have now almost paid for.


No I cannot just have him evicted from my home, I care too much about how it would affect him. I have plenty of resilience and he has none.


Your questions were valid questions and I hope I have done them justice. I hope I’ve given you a glimpse of the female perspective on such things and I would be very keen to hear if what I’ve said resonates also with @thelorax 



Re: Needing someone or somewhere to turn ..

hello @thelorax , how are you going today my friend 

letting you know you are not alone 

Carers Hints and tips to Successis good to click on for self care 

abd come to Hot Chocolate Anyone ?  for a virtual cuppa with other members 

hello @SJT63@HenryX 

Re: Needing someone or somewhere to turn ..

Hello SJT63


@SJT63Thank you for the response to my questions and, indeed challenge.


Your comment is a lovely, erudite, well-considered, detailed, beautifully written response.


Indeed, my questions were very likely a request for a reason


Had you been talking with me here, I would have had to excuse myself for the 15 minutes that I needed to recover my sense of balance and equilibrium.


For the last ten years of my Mother's life, she lived with me. It was a very good and pleasant time for both of us, that neither of us would have anticipated or expected earlier in our lives.


I don't know what the problem was with my father because he would never seek assistance to solve the issues that were problematic for him and a problem between him and me. My mother told me after my father's death, that she had tried to persuade him to seek assessment for both him and me, as early as my eleventh year (age: so around 11 to 12), but he simply refused to do so. A tour of duty in Vietnam compounded the already existing problems.


I tried to “be there “ for my parents, but later on, it became apparent that my presence was a thorn that caused problems even at family celebration gatherings. I left and in response to a written request from my mother, I was not again in touch with my family till my father was “in his dotage” and near to death. He barely recognized me and called me by my brother's name. My only brother believed whatever he was told by my father. He actually told me, in an accusatory manner, the story of the last meeting that I had with my parents. The details that he related were very different from the facts that I knew since I was there and my brother was not. However, he stated his version as though it were “Gospel truth”


As you can imagine, there is a lot more to the story.


However, during Mum's later years when she and I had time together, I assured her of my admiration for her in that she had fully completed her side of the agreement under conditions and circumstances very similar to what you have described @SJT63.

I also acknowledged that her commitment was primarily to her husband once I was independent,


I am very disappointed that our family could not have had a more peaceful, enjoyable, and mutually supportive life.


My eldest daughter, who is also a strong, appropriately assertive person, who had a good relationship with both my parents, told me, recently, that my father had bipolar disorder. I haven't yet asked from whom she got that information, but believe that she would not have told me unless she had firm ground on which to assert its veracity.


Recently, my daughter asked me why she had a good relationship with my father, yet I did not. That was a question I could not answer. I do know that I had encouraged my children in earlier times to develop and nurture the good relationships that they had. If there had been any concern about “toxicity” for them, I would have been quick to discourage any such relationship.


So, to some degree, greater or lesser, these relationships and interactions can be very unpredictable.



Thank you for recognizing the validity of the questions. Indeed, it is your response that really qualifies the questions as valid. Your response has been full and Yes, has

done them justice”.



I believe that you may notice that much of what you have said resonates with me and my own experience. There is substance in the material you have written.

My hope is that this discussion will be helpful for others who read it, and hopefully pass it on, as it is for me.


Thank You


My Very Best Wishes



PS. Through discussion on the forums, I am becoming more aware of the issues that I face in terms of physical reactions and responses, anxiety, etc. I find it interesting to note that half-consciously I don't want to impose my issues on anyone else. Certainly, I cannot conceive of the possibility that I could, without considerable work, share my life with anyone else, and the years remaining are shortening quickly. I am here in the hope that what we offer each other is graciously offered and in the same manner received. If that is what remains in life, I hope the contributions are mutually beneficial.

Re: Needing someone or somewhere to turn ..

Hello @thelorax 


Thank you for your original post. As you can see it has been the foundation for considerable discussion,


I understand @SJT63 's wish to transfer parts of the discussion from

your thread about

Needing someone or somewhere to turn.........

to a new discussion on @SJT63 's thread

H & S's Beautifully Written Philosophical Discussions - all welcome

because as she says, she

"didn’t want to continue to hijack the post by (you) @thelorax  with our pseudo-private conversation."

However, I was hoping that the discussion here, on your thread, would give you and other people, a broader perspective on the way that forum members view yours and their similar positions, as they might exist at the present or future times. And what the future may or may not hold, for you, any possible future children and your extended families. Indeed her {@SJT63} contributions on your thread may be considered either as a warning of what the future may hold, or alternatively, a guide and affirmation for people who are in, or wish to take such a path.

I was also hoping that you may, in response to ideas presented in her

{@SJT63} comments and other members' discussion on your thread, have come back into the conversation.

On the other hand, you may have already made a decision, one way or the other, and gained what information and insight you need for any decision you have or may wish to take.


Whatever your decisions, I am sure that she {@SJT63}, the other forum members, and I wish you



The Very Best Wishes For Your Future


and an Invitation to browse the forum and again offer whatever you would like to contribute as comments on this, your original thread, or new threads, at any time.

