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In need of objective advice with a relationship issue

Hello all. I've been with my husband for 5 years and married for 2 months. We've always had a great relationship, he is so sweet and caring and loves me very much. Some people have called us the perfect couple. We've been inseparable since we met, we spend all our time together.


I've just come across his search history and have found that he has visited multiple dating and hookup websites and apps. I.e. bumble, grindr, ashley Madison, etc. I have confronted him about it and he claims he has never been unfaithful. He purely enjoys a bit of flirting with men and women. He says he has only talked to about 5 people in total over the last 7 years. He says he has body image issues and needs the gratification from other people to make him feel good.

The fact he has been flirting with other people absolutely breaks my heart and destroys my trust in him. 

I give him compliments from time to time about his body, we have a good sex life. I cannot understand his need to do this. 


He has vowed to never go to these websites ever again. But I cannot see how he can stop doing something he has been doing for so long, and I can't trust him now.

I've said I'll give him another chance but I don't want to be wasting my time. But he is my best friend, I can't leave him.


Am I being a fool by staying in this relationship? Or should he have another chance?


Re: In need of objective advice with a relationship issue

Hi Indie

unfortunately once trust has been broken there is always going to be some doubt in your mind. You may want to consider marriage counselling to help with the situation or see if he willing to seek help with his issues. I wouldn't dismiss it and have doubts it will improve without some counselling assistance.