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Casual Contributor


Hi Lovers! 

Its so nice to be able to open up to a community. 

I’d like to share my story with you all. Hopefully get the support I need. 

My bf is the most incredible soul you’ll ever meet. We met 7 years ago in high school, we lost contact then found each other again after 3 years. Loved each other but was the wrong time for us. We lost contact again. We have been talking on and off for years, as years went on he opened up about discovering he has schizophrenia! It wasn’t until this year he asked for help so I did my best to support him. We fell in love all over again. He was going through a tough time living at his dads and his mums so he was living in his car! He felt comfortable around me and ended up living with me for about 2 months. Around week 5 with me, he was struggling so severely that I couldn’t even help. He was so traumatised with the voices that were caused by the individuals without a form of care. This sent him to struggle even more. He suffered where he would be screaming, holding himself trying to make sure I wouldn’t be scared. He eventually moved out. As he couldn’t live with my housemates. He went back to his dads house and hasn’t stopped going to hospital due to his schizophrenic attacks. His always in pain, he always holding on to something that is so traumatising to himself that it can linger in his mind for weeks. It’s been 2 months now that I have only seen him once. He doesn’t want to see me when his suffering, he doesn’t even realise how long it’s been since we would last speak. I’m losing myself now as I feel like I make no difference in his life. 

I’m scared to let go as he almost killed him self already. 

what do I do? How can I help him? He doesn’t want help from government support as he thinks he’ll lose his License as it’s his safe haven. 

He doesn’t have any money as his unfit to work and doesn’t want to keep taking money off me. 

He isn’t just schizophrenic, he grew up with systhesia and has developed split personality from his attacks. His also a genius, self taught pianist, most beautiful singer and music productions.

I want to be him forever but it’s coming to a point where I never get to see him. 


Id love some support from the lovers out there.


Thankyou for reading. 

Jaffaz 💞


Not applicable

Re: Schizophrenia

Hello @Jaffaz


A very warm welcome to the forums, it is nice to meet you 🙂


Thank you for sharing your experiences of caring for someone you love with a diagnosis of schizophrenia, it sounds like you both have had a huge amount going on and I can't imagine how difficult things are at the moment with the lack of communication and the uncertainty of what could happen to him and your relationship.


It does seem like he is withdrawing and that is because he isn't coping very well at the moment, however withdrawing means he is isolated in his support which would not be helping. It would be good if he could get some Centrelink for money support and see his GP, do you know is he has stopped medication or ever taken it? Sometimes families can contatc their GP/Psychiatrist themself and tell them how they are doing so they have more knowledge for when they see them next, but they are unable to give the family any information as that is confidential.


Also, how are you coping with all of this? It seems like a lot and I am glad to hear you have reached out for some very much deserved support at the moment, I look forward to getting to know you better,



Re: Schizophrenia

Hello @Jaffaz and welcome to the forum

how are you today Heart

Re: Schizophrenia

Hi @Former-Member


Thank you so much for your support. Means a lot I really feel alone in this situatuon. 

He takes his medication everyday and without it, he loses it, the voices come back and haunt him until his unable to do anything and if he cant hold on, he'll call an ambulance. He needs his medication to support his daily choices.

He blames his parents for his mental illness, father being an alcoholic and mother who couldn't support his happiness as he says. 

I cant deal without speaking to him anymore, I'm trying to hold on but its causing so much stress upon myself. 

Im so worried he'll hyurt himself again. 

Without contact im not even sure if i can  help him anymore as he'd rather stay away for my protection. 


Thank you for your support

Much appreciated.


Re: Schizophrenia

HI @Shaz51


Im feeling better today. 

Thanks for asking 🙂