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Identifying psychosis

Hi, I’m new to the forum so apologies if I’ve posted this in the wrong place.


My best friend has schizophrenia on both sides of her family, including her mum, and recently told me that during a recent period of significant stress/depression, she had some hallucinations (visual and auditory), although they were brief, and while they seemed real to her, she could also recognise they were not. She’s in her mid-late 20s so i understand it’s prime time for this to start manifesting. She’s very high-functioning, independent, does well at her job and generally takes good care of herself, so I feel like any changes in her personality should be easy to spot, but I do want some advice on things to look out for if this sort of thing comes back. She feels sure that if they came back again she would seek help, but my understanding of schizophrenia is that the person feels the hallucinations are real, and so she may not recognise it in herself. She has always been there for me through my own mental illness so I want to be prepared to help her as best I can if something happens. 

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Re: Identifying psychosis

Re: Identifying psychosis

On YOU for being real about things and a good friend. @he2

I had 2 parents with that Diagnosis and it was often in the back of my mind. I knew the stats etc .. I also was capable and reached out for support early and actively sought therapy and personal development courses throughout my life.  Be informed , but not overreactive about symptom checking and she could have a very good chance of avoiding it.  The old genetic assumptions and arguments are not definitive and actually fairly complex as scientists are coming to terms with epigenetics and neuroscience and trauma.

Smiley Happy


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Re: Identifying psychosis

I have two brothers with Paranoid Schizophrenia & I suspect my late mother (undiagnosed). Seeing a psychiatrist after parasuicide she tells me that β€œeven if both parents have schizophrenia- offspring only have a 12% chance of it manifesting. That’s almost 90% probability that your friend will be spared. I really hope so. Try not to get ahead of yourself. It worries me that we can obsess and make it a β€˜self fulfilling prophecy’ (expect or). There’s nothing wrong with being informed, but Keep hoping for the best., you’re a good friend πŸŒΈπŸ’•

Re: Identifying psychosis

Thanks lapses. That’s great advice. I’ll definitely try to be mindful of the line between being informed just in case, and being over-the-top. I also don’t want her to feel that I’m overreacting and become reluctant to talk to me. 




Re: Identifying psychosis

Thanks Darcy, this is really excellent.

Re: Identifying psychosis

Thanks for sharing Appleblossom πŸ™‚ I definitely had a moment of β€œI have to know everything that might happen just in case” so it’s edifying to have this reminder not to overreact! (And definitely very interesting to know that the genetic factor may not be as significant as I thought)

My unscientific gut feeling is that she will not have anything come up, but if it does I’ll be there.

Re: Identifying psychosis


You are definitely being a true friend.
People like you are hard to come by.

Stay strong and stand by your friend , she will need you to lean on. I commend you for your caring and support x

There are so many beautiful people here to support you πŸ’