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Re: Extremely Concerned about my husband's Mental health and the BIG changes to his life.

Thanks, Ivana. I will have a look at this link. I think his mother has some lung issues.

Re: Extremely Concerned about my husband's Mental health and the BIG changes to his life.

@Grace01, I am very glad to hear you are taking steps to protect yourself in a practical way and receiving counselling. Your commitment to your marriage is very admirable. But you are experiencing trauma yourself at this time and it is so important that you look after yourself above all while your husband has effectively put himself out of reach of your help and support. In this time of turbulent emotion, I wish you peace and serenity.

Re: Extremely Concerned about my husband's Mental health and the BIG changes to his life.

Thanks Mazarita. I got a call back from my Dr's office as I have test results I need to see the dr about. I had an ECG and blood tests. so I need to focus on my health.

I have been through a lot with my husband and I guess, that's why I fight, but I know this is a difficult journey for me.

Thanks for being there for me and everyone else who has posted. It means a lot to know others care!!! God bless you all!

Re: Extremely Concerned about my husband's Mental health and the BIG changes to his life.

Hi @Grace01,

Just checking in to see how you are going. Also, I thought I'd invite you to join in to the Lived Experience Forum if you ever feel like you would like to just talk about what you are going through yourself in this hard time in your life. The Lived Experience forum is for anyone struggling with mental/emotional health in their lives, not just for those with diagnosed mental illness. Some people there are struggling mostly with physical health, which often has an impact too on mental/emotional wellbeing. There are also quite a number of members from the Carer's Forum who also participate in the Lived Experience forum, such as @Faith-and-Hope. You would be welcome there and find support in the life trauma you are going through yourself at the moment. Alternatively, if you specifically tag me, I'd be happy to keep returning here on this discussion you have already started to support you in your own journey through this. Thinking of you and sending you strength. 

Re: Extremely Concerned about my husband's Mental health and the BIG changes to his life.

Hi Mazarita, thanks for checking in. And I will pop in to the other forum. My husband is still not with me and planning to go back overseas tomorrow. I will see him tomorrow. It's going to be difficult. We have had some interesting chats, he has been very irritable and still unusual...:( I am grieving intensely but trying to keep busy. I feel so lonely now....:( not having any family around me now is very heart-breaking. I don't know when He will break through this mania stage. I can only pray for him now. He is in God's hands...thanks again

Re: Extremely Concerned about my husband's Mental health and the BIG changes to his life.

@Grace01, just found your post from a couple of days ago. If you'd like some continued company here online, there are a group of us at the Lived Experience forum in a thread called 'Night Shift', which now goes 24 hours a day. There's often someone around at all times of the day just to say hi and exchange some words about our daily experiences. It helps lift our spirits and we are a pretty caring bunch of people. @Faith-and-Hope is also over there, mainly for the warmth and support she gets caring for her husband and family, some of whom are struggling with mental health issues. You would be very welcome. Either way, thinking of you and sending kind wishes.

Re: Extremely Concerned about my husband's Mental health and the BIG changes to his life.

Hi @Grace01

I know you are posting on the Lived Experience Forum as well.  So glad you are receiving caring support over there too.  

I find it so generous when people respond who have gone through what your husband is experiencing, and can advise you as a carer from your husband's side of the fence.  It can be so confusing as to what is illness-driven, and what is personal choice within the illness.  It is a powerful support and can help with the clarity needed to make informed decisions about your own self-care.

I hear you regarding the grief.  It is something I have been struggling with.  Be cause we sometimes have an essence of my husband as we knew him, but more often not, and the ED behaviours are very emotionally distressing whether they are on view or not, I had to come to terms with letting him go.  That's pretty weird, considering he is still with us, but the kids and I have had to form a sense of detachment for our own emotional survival.  it has still involved grieving.

While it is important to go through the grief process, and be supported as you do, you also gave to work at keeping your spirits up.  It's a bit of a see-saw - crying at times, venting too, but also finding caring friends to laugh and smile with when you are feeling up to it.

I would like to post something that I hope will make you smile, but wanted to ask your permission first.  If you are really not feeling up to it today, I will be guided by what you want.

Hugs ❤️







Re: Extremely Concerned about my husband's Mental health and the BIG changes to his life.

Hi @Grace01

How are you going ?

We haven't heard from you for a while .... I hope you're okay.

🌷 F&H