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Re: Tabaluga's

Yeah @greenpea   I am a late comer to the   "Weeknd"  .  They've got me under a spell.


You had the amps up at your place today on your songs I'll bet.    Couple of bold horses there mate.


Good choices..        tonys..

Senior Contributor

Re: Tabalugas

mmm .. same @Meowmy  ..bit easy for mind to wander late at night. could be a big day tomorrow rushing to get pool and blind up or just do nothing.well , sit in aircon room , soak a few micro fibre cloths and put in freezer and get basin to soak feet in lol  ha ha

Re: Tabalugas

@TAB hey tabby, may be just try to get through tonight. Ha. Tomorrow try to think then ha


Senior Contributor

Re: Tabalugas

will be okay tomorrow whatever happens @Meowmy  not rushing around at last minute lol

Re: Tabalugas

@TAB @tonys @Glisten @greenpea @StuF @Bill16 good morning cool friends, have a nice day. Take care.

Re: Tabalugas

@Meowmy   you have a good day too sweetheartx

Senior Contributor

Re: Tabalugas

Good Morning @Meowmy @StuF  have a good day. crap sleep here. nothing getting put up this morning. 30deg already 9am ha ha lol

Re: Tabalugas

@TAB hey tabby, got Christmas presents. Going to do some kettlebells ha

Senior Contributor

Re: Tabalugas

..did you get me a motorbike and some magic weigh pills like I asked for @Meowmy  lol..

just did ACER test to get govt funded $3500 off cert4 course  fees ha ha lol head a bit tight after that lol.

umm since am now on the zeroes .. did you know that if you get 2 boxes of 375ml cans from coles , its nearly half the price per litre of getting one carton , say get box 24 cans is $36.70, but if buy 2 boxes is $46.70 so get 2nd lot of 24 cans for $10 ha.. can smash zeros around the clock then  Meowmy..

Re: Tabalugas

@TAB hey tabby well done re course. I have that zero from Coles ha ha. Need to plan the day. Think do it after lunch. Enjoy the afternoon

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