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New Contributor

Good morning

First time on this site. I guess I was wondering if someone would want to share what they're going through currently with me and visa versa. No judgement at all.


Re: Good morning

Hey this is my first time here on this platform. What brings you here??

Re: Good morning

Good morning and welcome to the Sane forums @StormiSkye and @Balinore14  😊💞


I would be happy to share my story with you @StormiSkye  and I would welcome hearing yours too when you feel ready to share.  You will find this site to be secure, safe and accommodating for all with no judgement.


If you are more comfortable ... I will start if you like. And then you can tell me about yourself when you feel ready.


I live with long term PTSD, OCD, intermittent depression and constant anxiety.  I see a clinical psychologist who has been wonderful for me over the years.  I have had a number of different trauma therapies including CBT, Exposure Therapy and EMDR. All have helped to some extent, although I still fall in a heap sometimes and triggers remain.


I was recently diagnosed with breast cancer and had surgery a little over 7 weeks ago.  Recovering pretty well now, although its been a hard slog.  I start radiation therapy next week, and have recently started on oral chemo meds.  None of this has helped my anxiety or depression and I have been struggling lately.


I am 61yo, married with a husband who I care for due to his PTSD, Parkinsons Disease, Stage IV cancer and several issues arising from his cancer treatment.  So I am a carer of someone with MH issues as well as having MH problems myself.  I have 2 step children who are grown up and have children of their own ... I have 6 grandkids ranging in age from 7 to 22yo.  None of them live nearby though, which is unfortunate.


What helps to keep me (relatively) sane?  I have a little dog who is my little shadow.  I have a caring and supportive GP.  I see my clinical psychologist at least monthly.  I try to maintain a healthy diet, and get adequate exercise and sunlight. And I have strong connections with a number of members here on Sane ... they are a wonderful bunch of people.


Your turn ........ @StormiSkye @Balinore14 


Emelia 😊

Re: Good morning

welcome to the Sane forums @StormiSkye and @Balinore14

Nice to meet you both and I see @Emelia8 has joined here too

I have been dealing with anxiety and depression since 2012 and it's been a journey of wins and losses - like life really.

I hope you find the forums welcoming and easy to use 🙂

Also chuck in an @ symbol followed with the person's username to tag them so they get notifications 🙂

Re: Good morning

Hi Emelia,


I'm a new Dad to be and I feel like I may be suffering from something that I'm due to find out about soon. Since my partner got pregnant things have been stressful for her, but for myself as well. I suffer from multiple personality disorder and lately the wear and tear of her pregnancy is starting to take a toll on me. Im trying hard to do a lot of the things that are expected of me, however, it does become challenging. I feel overwhelmed a lot and I feel like a failure a lot of the time. I do get low key jealous and depressed when she prefers to be with my other personalities rather than the real me. Got any advice??


Balinore14 ✌️

Re: Good morning


Re: Good morning

Hi @Balinore14 ... and congratulations on the new bub to be.  A very exciting time for you and your partner, but also likely to be stressful.  There is so much to think about when a new baby is on the way.  It can definitely seem overwhelming.  There are a few other members here who have Multiple Personality Disorder, otherwise known as Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID).  I will tag them here and they may be able to talk to you about DID specific issues and make some helpful suggestions.  @Maggie @Former-Member @Fluttershy1 


Emelia 😊

Re: Good morning

@Balinore14  Hi there, thanks for the tag @Emelia8 .


I have DID, but not any advice. I have done a lot of reading over the years, I did find this site very helpful for information if you are interested. WWW. PODS. UK. Or WWW. Carolyn Spring. She has worked through so much herself, and is very inspiring. 


Its good to have you here. I hope the pregnancy goes well for you both, in the meantime, take care.

Re: Good morning

@Emelia8 thanks ✌️much appreciated.

Re: Good morning

@Maggie thanks for the tips. I'll be sure to look into it ✌️