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When to leave relationship with someone mentally ill?

Just wondering if anyone is interested in sharing how they've decided when to prioritise their own mental health over staying in relationship with someone mentally ill? Currently am in relationship with someone whose negativity and criticism has just become unbearable.  I know it's part of his illness so I forgive a lot. But how to decide? And when does criticism become abuse?


Re: When to leave relationship with someone mentally ill?

The criticising is abuse. You will find by leaving your partner is the only way you'll get through to him that he needs help. It's not that you don't love them but you can't live like that. 

Re: When to leave relationship with someone mentally ill?

Hi there @Former-Member, 


Welcome to the SANE Forums! I hope that you'll be able to find some useful information and connect with other members on here. 


Thank you for sharing your story with us. It sounds like you really care about your partner and your relationship with him. But, don't forget that your mental health and wellbeing is also very important and should be a priority for yourself, Jesse1234 😊. What are some of the things you do to take care of yourself? 🌱