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Re: ~ The Toolshed ~

@Jynx  Thanks for sharing, and I read your reply to @Glisten .. glad youre alright xx reaching across space with a virtual hug  🤗💜

Re: ~ The Toolshed ~

@Former-Member Hug received!! Processing.... 


The hug was found to be warm and full of love! Return hug sending now 😍🫂

Re: ~ The Toolshed ~

@Former-Member  I’m working on it. 

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Re: ~ The Toolshed ~

received @Jynx , and processed with great effect! 🤗😊🌺

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Re: ~ The Toolshed ~

Is you ok @Glisten ? xx 🤗💜

Here for you, if you need a buddy 🙂

Re: ~ The Toolshed ~

Also here for you lovely @Glisten if you need to vent, or if some distracty chats are the go I'm always down 😊💜

Re: ~ The Toolshed ~

@Former-Member @Jynx  OK so I’m going to describe this as best as I can. I do this thing. I start feeling tired but it’s for day or a week. It doesn’t happen often. I sleep, eat and watch a tv series or 3.

It’s like my unconscious mind is smarter than the rest of me and requires me to limit stimuli and stress, and store energy. But it looks like self isolation.

But it’s like my unconscious mind is doing all the work in the background. Like when a PC runs updates.

It is like the unconscious part of my brain is saying, ‘ok you have given me all this new information, I’m forming a plan don’t interrupt me’.

It always occurs before life changes, most of the changes in my life have been chance, synchronous or serendipitous.

Unlike most people, I don’t see change as bad. I like change. Nothing stays the same.

With all the knowledge you both have, have you got an educated academic hypothesis of it is that I am experiencing?
I’m aware that correlation is not causation. It does read as a bit eccentric.

Is there a term for this behaviour?

Is it a trauma reaction?

Is it just an ADHD or C-PTSD thing?


Re: ~ The Toolshed ~

Just to clarify @Glisten - this is an involuntary change in behaviour that comes about, and are you saying it usually precedes big changes? Like your body knows some change is coming? 


Sounds like maybe a bit of a trauma response, potentially? But it doesn't sound unhealthy to me - even if from the outside it looks like you're self-isolating, seems that your internal experience is more that you're ensuring you have reserved enough energy to be able to take on the coming tumult. 


I agree, change is not bad, in fact it is inevitable! What's the saying, 'In life, the only constant is change' right? If this helps you to mitigate the impacts of sudden change, sounds very helpful indeed. Is it something you feel concerned about or scared of? 

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Re: ~ The Toolshed ~

Hey there @Glisten  🌺🙂

I agree with @Jynx  ☺️


sounds incredibly interesting a phenomenon to experience, and depending on what perspective you view it, this could be seen in a variety of ways… 

intuition is one way, whereby the sense of what might be approaching dictates a kind of preparedness action, or it could be related to a hormonal axis fluctuating and this is coinciding with events (if the two happen to be similar frequency then this might naturally bring the two into some type of synchronicity), or there may be things in the environment that are influencing what’s happening..? 
this is a bit of initial query into what might be happening.. please do feel free to say ‘warm’ or ‘cold’ as to how close you think they are 🙂

Otherwise I might think it’s a type of historical trauma response activated by events…🤔🙂🌺

Re: ~ The Toolshed ~

Yeah @Jynx  you have described it perfectly.

There are things that I know that I have to attend to, update documents for the property settlement. Find a job, a place to live.

With all the behavioural changes that I have made, learning how to set boundaries, working out what my boundaries are. Being deliberate etc

And then 2 years of insomnia, I thought maybe my brain has just gone “lady, I need a spa week”.

Did you see that article about the brain 🧠 washing itself? G